Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009


Hei.. I found some old document in my computer.. So I post it into my blog... I hope it will usefull for you al...

Discussion between famous architect Tan Tjiang Ay and me about what we will leave behind when we to pass away. When I said that as architect, it’s a simpler for him because what he will to leave behind are real things and can be field, he disagrees. He said them that what an architect leaves behind are animals object like building, but his legacy, which are the positive effect and quality can be to inspiration, become to spirit shaft, more than based action and thinking pattern for the next generation.
            The talk becomes more interest and I tried to answer: will some one a live needed to think about what he will left in his dead, besides his assets? The people couldn’t care less and disagree, of course they have thinking about it, “will I need to plan, what I will to enjoy moment I have in heaven? Died as died …”
            We see that public figures and professional until for years his pass a way have remaining his contribution, ideas, theory, and philosophy. I remembered at a funeral of a leading a figure in education, his generation said in simple,” he had to leave out about spirit of peace in our organization, which before his took office, often to quarrel and misunderstanding. This is the culture we preserve up to now in our meeting and in our organization”
            This reminded me to a quote, ‘if you lead a meaningful life, you never really die’ maybe that is means with “legacy”. But, head of state to think of legacy or CEO from companies trillions of turnovers?
Personally, these legacy concepts have power in my fantasy. Obviously, many people wish to pass down their  spirit, energy, a vision, value and they hope their ideas won’t be considered out of date or worse still be misunderstanding by their generations. Aren’t there many sophicated ideas left by former public figure and experts that we can implement carry on even in admire so that the world, after their passing away will be better.

“The legacy you leave is the legacy you live”
            Who is don’t want “name or his company” to become a legend by fragrance and positive? In fact many in between us – especially the leaders or manager – because activity and focus in now days unrealized that all behavior, strategies, and intelligence will to leave receptacle.
            Receptacle can be positive but can to set up vengeance, defeat, use less, porous, and that depression. It’s means, every order, intelligence and strategy we have additional home work, which is to question what we made and determine now will shape the future or contrary to damage.
            With such as the mindset, the generation or replacement we don’t need always to replace policy or the reshuffle when a new serves because just can to use – in fact want to bring – profit and continue what we ever to get up and wishing. This ideas can be to make people don’t “opportunist” when the serves because he need to thinking very long about what to happen if “I have not in here”

“Legacy” the impact and the positive quality that left
            We all know that we can become better by learning from the past mistake. One that see his father beating his mother can promise to himself to avoid violence all of his life. Wrong strategy that makes a company broke and had a lot of debt; it can be repairing moment for the next generation to be more careful in anticipated the mistake, cost damage but the positive value and thought still remembered. Even thought mistake, fault and failure can be a trigger to a better life, but those not legacy.
            Legacy is positive quality, spirit, stimulator, value, and positive impact which become a foundation to continue a better life. We see impact when a group of people become more smart because the learning spirit which is build by the public figure like Ki Hajar Dewantoro, it’s more “green” and productive the surrounded the next generation to have a better life which has quality or give strongest “self esteem” a group of people so they able and active to develop their profession even thought that profession doesn’t earn money.
To stake out “Legacy” is choice
            To leave assets ‘until seven descent’ not included making legacy. It’s means sometimes making legacy more difficulty than just for to collect assets so that become inheritance. We live style, to talking and take essence from live quality, then transferring in discernment, regulation, and system which we need order.
            Legacy which we will turns illustrate vision and obsession we alive. It’s clear for vision and strong our obsession, larger it’s impact. If we are strong obsessed in order to clean work areas integrity then we action, we said will far reverberate to the front. If we want to further fisherman community, and stubbornly making activity, educational, to punish, to created vacancy, accommodation, then we after death all fisherman must be  enjoyed our spirit and continues with hardness heart against.
            To think legacy is true can be catalyst form intake decision, because orientations a long period. To think about legacy don’t need related with some one pass away. Every occupy a position its really can familiar to think for legacy system, value, sop which unwavering, positive and to give additional value in his area, until if his death, the all which disappeared fragrance his name. “the elephant die to leave it’s tusk, tiger die to leave it’s stripe”, don’t we death with leave ulcerous”.

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